
Monday, May 25, 2020

What Is a Classical Argument

What Is a Classical Argument?A lot of people ask, 'What is a classical argument?' You might be surprised to find out how many of us are incapable of carrying our argument forward. Here is a simple answer to a difficult question.A classical argument is an argument that has been recognized for its logical soundness and logical coherence for many centuries. It is an argument that does not change once it has been presented. In other words, it has stood the test of time or has been accepted by the public as being correct. In fact, if you use the same logic that is used by others, you can rest assured that your argument will stand up to scrutiny.Now, most of us are not so wise, and we often fall victim to arguments that do not have any classical argument at all. We may have a wish to present our argument in a way that is acceptable to the person in front of us, and we simply change our approach. We might stop thinking about our argument at all and simply present it, relying on how they res pond.A classic argument is not something that is written down, but it is something that you think through when you are arguing. In other words, it is not something that you react to or try to convince others about. It is a method that you use to determine what is right for you to believe or accept, or it is the foundation for your argument.The classic argument is what makes sense to you. In other words, it is something that you want to base your belief upon. It is not something that you will agree with because it is the logical truth, but rather it is something that you are able to recognize as the truth. For instance, if you are selling a product and someone asks you 'What is a good quality pen?' If you have a good working knowledge of quality pens, you could easily respond by saying, 'It depends on the person and the day, but I think they would like a fairly good pen.'Of course, there are several different people who would respond differently to this, depending on their personalit y and the subject matter. As such, you could claim a standard response for each individual. However, if you had your classic argument and were able to come up with a logical way to determine that something is a good quality, then you could assert that it is a good quality.In this way, your ability to understand what is a good quality is the basis for your reasoning. If you are unable to make sense of the question, then you should stop and formulate a logical response. In other words, you can point out that the person is not thinking clearly, or you can then ask, 'But how am I supposed to know what's a good quality pen? ', or 'It would be nice if you could help me answer my question but I really don't know what you mean.'So, the question, 'What is a classical argument?' is really a question of logic. You need to be able to determine what is a good quality for you, and how you would respond to a question regarding the best quality pen.

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